Friday, April 22, 2011

a new page...

quote via

new apartment!

Well, it is about time!!! so excited about the new apartment, now if only I could spend some time here! ok, time for the tour:
entering the apartment, the hall:
the bedroom:
the bathroom:
with a linen closet:
the living room:
a closet I forgot even existed!:
the "better half" of the kitchen:
the other half... atleast it works?
the 3 season porch/for now, bike storage
my very own pantry...
and separate storage/laundry room:
And the most incredible feature, the walk in closet:
so much to do...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

new beginnings...

well it's been a while! Life has been so crazy with moving and work. I officially am on my own :) I moved into my apartment a little less than 2 weeks ago, and it is even better than I remembered! I love the space, I love the area and have a bunch of before pictures to post soon... I can't wait to get started, only I haven't gotten a moment to really sit still! I moved in on a Friday/Saturday, worked the following Sunday and then left for a trip across the country to Redmond/Bellevue/Seattle for work on Monday... returning on Thursday, still so much work/new-found ability to go out with friends anytime kept me busy until my brother came on the following Monday to go to the Red Sox game I gave him for his birthday at Christmas! That was great, I spent a little extra to get us up on the Green Monster for warming up before the game... if only I bought tickets to a game that wasn't a horrendous loss?!? oh well... he also delivered my new vacuum from mom and dad, which was so necessary since my radiator's have sooo much dust, yuck! On the way home this week I bought myself a few housewarming gifts from Crate and Barrel, a Simplehuman compact dish rack, a spice rack with 5 year refills and my favorite, a Cuisinart Griddler!!! It is a panini press, a "George Foreman," an indoor grill and a griddle all in one! I cannot wait to break that fella out! Now I am sitting with a glass of wine (my new place has a wine shop within 2 blocks in 3 of 4 directions!) and some chili edamame from Trader Joe's thinking of what I need to pack up for my trip home. Tomorrow I am catching the train home, I love the beautiful ride through the Berkshires... packing up some stuff and then heading to a huge and amazing bead show in Springfield, which will supply me for the year, or at least until the next one in October? Then having my mom over for the night:) I can't wait to show her my new little world! Ok, I have babbled enough for tonite!
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