Wednesday, December 30, 2015

goodbye 2015...

Well, I can't exactly say I am sad to see the end to this long year, but a fresh start is something I am really ready for.

2015 started off with ringing in the new year across the pond in London.

A few very cold months with record snowfall here in Boston followed.

So I escaped to Houston for a bit.

Played some pranks on my co-workers throughout the year.

Made Oreo-stuffed, chocolate chip cookies for Marathon Monday.

Tried out a wine tasting class.

On my way to welcome Charlie to the world.

Found myself in a nice place to end a particularly bad day.

Realized I can see the fireworks from my second floor.

Finally saw Newsies live with mom.

Laughed harder than ever on Martha's Vineyard with my best friend, followed by some quality time with my parents.

So many adventures with the Masons.

Made some new jewelry.

Celebrated my 34th birthday, which included bagpipes!

Very successful at a bead show.

Fall and Head of the Charles :)

Working on my green-thumb.

The saving grace to the year, booked a trip to Iceland. It was beyond amazing, but I am saving the details for a post of it's own.

Decorated before leaving, including a new pillow!

Back home for the holidays.

Overall, it was a hard year and I cannot say it is without a few regrets, but I am learning to let go of the things I have no control over. I am trying to be kinder to myself and allow myself to be happy. As I am writing this, I am in the middle of treating myself to a week off, a "me" week before heading up to New Hampshire to ring in 2016. I am so grateful for all the incredible people and things I do have in my life and looking forward to whatever the new year has in store.
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